Lukas vom Fuchsberg

Lukas is a German import that has sired many litters in the US. He lives in Idaho and belongs to a Heather Prunty. Here is a link to her website with some more information on Lukas:

We have been training with one of his pups here in Fairbanks and that inspired me to do some research on him. Lukas is a beautiful proven stud dog with an impressive record of passing his hunting skills on to his offspring.

Date of Birth- July 25, 2010

VJP- 71

HZP- 177o.Sp/ 217m.Sp

VGP- 0/ I 336UF

4H search behind duck



Form/Coat 9/9 (11/11)

Height/Length (cm) 64/66 (67/68)

HD Free

OCD Free

vWD Free

FF homozygous for furnishings (beard)

Lucas’ Ahnentafel