Dresden NA Prize I 112 pts
Dresden UPT Prize III 148 pts
2019 VJP
Dachs 67
Dresden 70
Dune 72
Dresden UT Prize III 183 pts
2019 HZP
Dachs 182
Dresden 188
Dune 188
2020 VGP
Dune 298 Prize I TF
2021 VGP
Dresden 266 Prize III TF
- Dess and Hoyt after a grouse hunt in Michigan
D-Litter Odessa vom Büffeltaler x Hugh vom Cranberry Creek. “Dess” and “Hoyt” produced braunschimmel (liver roan) and braun m.Abz (liver with white chest mark) pups. Pups will be smart and focused trackers with a lot of point if their parents are any indication. Click on the dog’s names for more information. Accepting deposits, call for details.
Update November 15, 2017. Odessa has 10 healthy pups. They are growing teeth and are too adventurous to stay in the whelping pen anymore.